First Impressions

The first impression is important, and it’s a controversial topic because many people believe that the first impression is accurate. On the other hand, there are some people that state we cannot judge based on the first impression. I comprehend there are some ways that people can give us incorrect first impressions such as their mood or their inappropriate clothes can lead to the wrong first impressions and these things only give you about their appearance not to say about their inner feeling, such as faithfulness or intelligence.

Body language

Furthermore, there are some activities that influence the first impressions, for example, showing your interest by asking questions or using body language such as raising eyebrows, leaning in eye contact, facial impressions and taking your head.

So, people should be aware not to make a mistake from the first impressions. People often make forming first impressions and they think a small example of someone’s behaviour can give us a complete picture of that person and, based on the sample, start justifying the bad behaviour.

According to articles, fast thinking and slow thinking are inseparable elements that impact first impressions. In fast thinking, we use observation of a thin slice of behaviour to make of people and instinctive reaction is often right.

Fast thinking happens immediately in order to assess situations unconsciously. On the other hand, slow thinking can solve difficult math or problems and needs to concentrate. Also, it takes more work and energy and you should pay attention to lifestyle, such as food and sleep to increase the level of this kind of thinking and slow thinking can help to fast thinking.

Top Interview Mistakes

Moreover, there are some points that can make a mistake during an interview and have bad impressions on interviewers or interviewees. For instance, dressing inappropriately, asking personal questions, speaking negatively about previous employers, acting disinterested and lying.

If you think first impressions are usually accurate, it depends on your evaluation, it means listening to what is said, listening to how it is said, applying what you already know and finally drawing a conclusion. Following these tips can improve the skill of comprehension.

Gathering: Hanieh Azimzadegan